Monthly Archives: January 2015

We Moved Into A New Home!


Our gate closed and we were released on Jan 19th.  We went to the company RV park for a few days, but there were 10 other couples  waiting for a gate.  With things slowing down in the oilfield, due to the falling price of oil, we decided to head east.

Mom & Dad have been wanting to downsize into a Class C Motorhome since our trip to AZ & Utah last summer.  Most Fulltime Rvers we know, think they’re crazy for downsizing, but Mom wants a more comfortable way to travel.  She calls the 5th “The Beast” 

The 5th wheel is great for when we’re sitting in one place, gate guarding for an extended period, but it’s a lot more work to set up and break down when traveling.  Also, it doesn’t have an onboard generator and we like to boondock overnights at Wal-Mart’s or casinos, like we used to do in our first Motorhome.  Anyway, there was a Class C they liked in Florida, so we went to look at it….and they bought it!  It’s a 2010 Jayco Greyhawk

photo 1 unnamed2

unnamed3 This bed is a lot higher than in our 5th wheel, so Lucy’s the only one that can get up there by herself…so far.  They tried to make me sleep in my new bed, on that little ledge in front of the closet door, but I worked my way over onto the bed pretty quick last night.


unnamed5Our pantry’s a little overstuffed now, Mom thought it had pretty good kitchen storage for a Class C, but it’s only about half of what she was used to.  Mom keeps striving more toward minimalism, but she’s not there yet.

unnamed6They had the couch removed, and they plan to install recliners.  So, they bought us all new doggie beds, since we wouldn’t have a couch.  I liked mine right away.


Phoebe finally decided to try hers out.


Then I tested Lucy’s… it was a little small, but I made it work. 


Lucy isn’t really interested in hers yet, but she never really slept on the couch.  Lucy likes to be held or lay on the recliner footrest, if someone’s sitting in it.  Right now she’s standing in Dad’s lap browsing Facebook or something.

unnamed9 So, today we’ll finish up  a few more things in the move and get everything secured for travel.  Tomorrow we’re heading  to Georgia to Grandma & Grandpa’s house, I can’t wait to run loose in the big backyard!

